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6 Tips to Make Choosing a Family Physician Painless

family physician

The process of choosing a family doctor can feel a lot like the process of choosing a new romantic partner. It's a big decision: this person may be with you at all stages of your life, and will see you in some of your most vulnerable moments. With that in mind, it can be easy to become paralyzed by the decision. We've got some tips here that will help you choose the doctor and practice that's right for you.

Make Sure You're Covered

This may seem obvious, but doctor's visits can be expensive! Knowing that it's important to be sure that you choose a provider who's in-network to avoid paying hefty copays at checkout. If you don't have insurance, then it's important to look for a doctor who is willing to work with you to cut down expensive visits as much as possible. Some things to ask: does your doctor's office have a patient portal in case you need to ask questions? Is your doctor able to do small things like medicine adjustments over the phone?

Consider Your Preferences Beforehand

According to recent data, the United States needs more than 52,000 more primary care physicians in order to meet the medical needs of its citizens, which can make finding a new doctor even harder. If you live in an area where finding a family physician taking new patients is easier said than done, it can be tempting to jump on the first open office that you find, but no amount of availability in the world can make up for a bad fit. If you have a strong gender preference for your family physician, or if you visit once and don't get a good feeling, listen to your gut. If you don't feel comfortable with your doctor, you're less likely to visit, which can do more harm than good in the long run.

Location, Location, Location

On the other hand, if you find your dream family physician and their office requires a lengthy drive, that might seem like a small price to pay for the perfect match. But remember that this is the person you'll be going to see when you're feeling your worst, which can make that long drive to the perfect office seem daunting. Even if that doctor is a perfect fit, they won't do you much good if you're unable to get to them with a fever. As much as possible, try to consider proximity to you when finding a good fit.

Your Doctor's Time is Valuable, and So Is Yours

This is more an etiquette issue, but can be important when you're thinking about establishing a relationship with a family physician. Remember to get off on the right foot with your new doctor (and keep your appointment slot from being given away) by showing up on time, including plenty of extra time to fill out intake forms on your first visit. Be kind and courteous to support staff, which will not only help you make a good first impression, but will give you an idea of how the office runs. But your doctor's time isn't the only one that's important. If your physician seems rude, dismissive, or keeps you waiting an unreasonable amount of time without explanation, that office may not be the right fit for you.

Find a Doctor Who Can Grow With You

Remember that a family physician's ideal role is a lifelong one. With that in mind, make sure that you find a doctor who can grow with you and your family. Consider your interests and your lifestyle: do you plan on having children? Are you growing older? The right doctor will be able to fill those roles in your life as you progress, leaving room for a lasting relationship.

Choosing a new doctor can be a daunting task, but a comfortable doctor-patient relationship can have benefits that will last a lifetime. Is there something you wish you'd known when you were choosing your family physician? Let us know in the comments below.